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As interaction designer I offer peak competence within development and concept development of innovative user friendly interfaces aiming at IT-artifacts e.g. computers and mobile devices etc. – briefly any type of system that users interact with.

With my knowledge in your organization you ensure that user interaction with your services and products are as intuitive as possible, both concerning user friendliness and user experience. For you as a company this competence has a great significance since the demand on easily used systems constantly is increasing due to products seams to get more complex and advanced functions. Regardless how good a products functions and qualities are, the system has to be easy to grasp and use to become a success. Furhter more my background as computer engineer gives a desireable "touch" to my profession as interaction designer.

As interaction designer I work close to the end user as well as the people that develop the system, consequently in the end the result becomes the best for all people involved. To reach this goal a person with technical and cognitive knowledge is needed to chart the end users thoughts – I am that person.

During my active years as professional interaction designer I have had the pleasure to work with: Obigo, Teleca och TAT.