Information om sidan... This is Simon Thorsander... Curriculum vitae... What have I produced/worked with... If you'd like to contact me... Svenska Dansk English  
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Employments/Commissions...Educations...NGINdesign - own development...Commissions of trust...Miscellaneous...Practical knowledge...

Usability Week 2005, Nielsen/Norman Group


Three day tutorial Interaction design. The immersion course covers the entire product or serice life cycle - from initial information gathering through iterative design, testing and post-release follow-ups.

Master Bachelor in Interaction design,
K3 Malmoe University

2002 — 2004

Usability testing, HCI, concept development, user qualities, testing methods, graphical design, programming etc.

Bachelor in Informatics (computer engineering) - design & construction, Informatic Institute , Lunds Universitet

1997 — 2002

Programming, database management, project management, group psychology, DSS, computer security etc.

Professional Course in decision support system, QlikTech


Grundläggande och fördjupade kunskaper i QlikView

Professional course in decision support system PowerPlay 6.6 OLAP Modelling, Cognos


Fundamental and absorbed knowledge in PowerPlay Transformer development

Military duty at Göta Ingenjörkår , as company commander (Quarter master)

15 months
1998 — 1999

Leadership (applicable and theoretical), maintenance duties, logistics, economical responsibility, stress handling and persistence etc.

Exchange student Blue Valley North High School - Kansas City , Kansas , USA

1995 — 1996

English language and social networking